5 of the most kid-friendly airlines in the world – A Luxury Travel Blog

Have you ever felt all eyes on you – and your children – while waiting to board at the gate? The truth is your anxiety is likely warranted. As a parent, the possibility of things “going sour” during a flight are endless: delays causing snacks to run out, ear pain caused by cabin pressure, and of course, a toddler’s boredom resulting in cries and tantrums. The looks from other passengers can get intimidating and even worse, unsympathetic flight staff can make one feel as if no one is on your side.

It certainly doesn’t need to be this way. Some airlines are known to be extremely family friendly, sometimes going above and beyond one’s expectations. The five airline carriers below are equipped with compassionate staff and unique amenities giving “flying the friendly skies” a whole new meaning. It’s always wise to confirm amenities and offerings with the airline prior to booking.

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5 of the most kid-friendly airlines in the world – A Luxury Travel Blog.